- Cow Shares
- >
- 1/2 Share
1/2 Share
per item
*This is a deposit that secures your order and is non refundable.
When you complete your deposit, we will let you know the processing date. Once we have the final live weight before butchering we will contact you back with an invoice for the remaining balance of your order.
An estimate of the final weight of each animal is 1200lbs. The cost is $2.25 per live pounds.
Here is an estimated total amount for a 1/2 of a share.
600lbs (1/2 of 1200lbs) x $2.25 = $1350.00 - $675.00 (Deposit) = $675.00
Buyer is responsible for paying processing fee at the facility when order is finished.
We will worker with the buyer to the best of our ability for delivery in the state of Nebraska and surrounding areas.